Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tears dont rolled down

last week i was at cemetery for a funeral ceremony after it i went to visit the place where my dad was buried. As i sat there looking at the cross my mind goes 3 years back and i asked myself a question why on the time when my dad passed away tears don't roll down from my eyes ? don't i love my dad ? was he fell to be a good father ? why ? why? why?

I asked it to myself again and again and i think about those days when my dad was admitted in the hospital,
when i remember it my heart fill full of happiness, my dad, my hero , a strong man who face so many problems in his life but never let his kids to face it, always secured the family and completed all the stupid demands of them, but in his last days , he became so weak that he cant walk, even on bed he want to change his position he needs help , and that time i was there, i know i m not the perfect son but when i saw my strong dad on bed ,there was a strange change in me , as my dad was caused by cancer and he was on the last stage of it doctor has told us that there's no hope.

From that day i starts to spend much time with my dad , and there i got a new friend my dad, he told me everything about his life, specially his love my mom, how they having inter religion love marriage and the things happened on that time, and so many things , and off course advise too ,
his last days were most precious moments of my life , which always gave me strength ,
and now when i think about why tears dont rolled down , i have the answer
yes , my dad gave me so much love that i dont want to waste it just because he is not with me instead those tears rolled in my heart just to make me strong as my hero my DAD.